About my Tribe

Tilana Westoby

Tilana Westoby

Naeera Abed

Naeera Abed

Helen Field

Helen Field

Ncamie Motsa

Ncamie Motsa

Alouise De Jager

Alouise De Jager

Sandy Feinstein

Sandy Feinstein

Tilana Westoby

As a burn survivor, the need for trauma integration and wellness has been the driving force of my career. Seeing people live their true potential and a life of abundance, gets me going every day. I have a special interest in Trauma, Fertility and Auto-immune conditions. My work focuses on the integration of our body’s systems to effectively bring on homeostasis and equilibrium. At the core, I am a somatic body worker with an understanding of the biology of trauma and stress.

I know that no single approach will suit every need and so I have been trained in a range of modalities, including Therapeutic Reflexology, TRE®️ (Tension and Trauma Release), Therapeutic Massage Therapy, Aromatherapy, Lymphatic Drainage, and Auricular Acupuncture.

By far the most challenging and rewarding role has been that of business owner and co-founder of The Whole Sole. A private Holistic Health Practice in Johannesburg South Africa.

Subsequently it has led me on the path of research and seeking out others that share my burning desire to understand trauma, the nervous system and how to effectively help the broader public.

Becoming a TRE® Training Facilitator and Mentor has offered me a phenomenal opportunity to work alongside one of South Africa’s most seasoned TRE®️ Certification Trainers, Haley Ritzlmayr. I have had the privilege to be part of 5 student intakes as a training facilitator since 2019.

I am currently doing extensive research and developing practical and effective protocols that will serve as part of the education and coaching branch of my private practice.

Naeera Abed

Naeera Abed Wellness is my passion. To provide a safe space to allow a deeper physical and emotional withdrawal from the emotional stressors and strains of everyday life.

My journey to wellness started with loss and grief, eventually finding myself overstimulated, physically ill and mentally exhausted causing obsessive overthinking.

At Naeera Abed Wellness, my focus is body-based therapies, using different methods to release chronic tension patterns stored in the body after an episode of tress/trauma. Finding different methods to help the body feel relaxed and calm.

Helen Field

Advanced Trauma Release (TRE®), Craniosacral (CST) and Life Body Integration Facilitator. As all recovery and healing comes from within, my work is dedicated to creating optimal possibility for the healing processes, initiated by the body’s inherent wisdom, to manifest and flourish.The salutogenic, client directed approach out of which I work recognizes and supports the innate

intelligence that exists in each of us. At the unconscious level this intelligence is the ultimate authority in the processes of healing. Raised to consciousness is becomes the determinant for personal growth and development and in the decision-making that shapes our life-paths. Increasingly it is clear that many current illnesses, both physical and psychological, are trauma- originated. Through the self-directed release and integration of trauma-effects in the autonomic nervous system, made possible by TRE® and CST, the basis for recovery in all systems is presented, laying the foundation for sustainable and authentic self-manifestation in life.


After an initial 3 year hospital training in radiography and 20 years in IT, my therapeutic work started in 2000 and has been my passion and personal healing path ever since.


– A 2 year craniosacral therapy training re-introduced me to my body after the years of stillness and silence in software development. Through sharpened observational and intuiting skills this training equipped me to work with all ages, encouraging in them the unfolding of innate healing capacities so often blocked by the traumas of infancy, childhood and through life.

– The 3 year diploma in Psychophonetics addressed the unresolved and stunting psycho-spiritual difficulties of my early adulthood, equipping me to help tertiary students through their personal struggles on an individual basis, and presenting and facilitating group Self-Care, Personal Development and Mentorship programs.

– TRE® has given me the tools for supporting both the above journeys, providing a self-help program for continued healing and growth, for myself and my clients, for life.


The path to well-being is individual. There is no ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ in the healing process. I always believed that the body is an incredibly powerful tool that can heal itself, it’s constantly sending messages on what’s happening physically, mentally, and emotionally. These tend to show up as anxiety/stress, depression, rage, pain…stemming from either our modern-day living stressors, childhood experiences, present or past events. It affects how we conduct ourselves, engage with others in personal and professional environments as well as the quality of the relationships we have with ourselves and others when not resolved. My belief has proven to be true as I learnt more about the body, from my own experiences, those witnessed in my loved ones and clients I’ve had the honour to facilitate TRE® for and using other restorative modalities. 

In 2012 I made a conscious decision to stop being a victim, I knew that there must be more to life than what I had experienced thus far. I invested more time, money, and energy in my personal development, taking up courses/workshops from various local and international teachers and experienced great shifts in my life. My soul is at its happiest when I am engaging in work that inspires, empowers, and transforms people’s lives enabling them to live to their full potential, this led to the birth of my private practice, Liifa in 2019.


Prior, I held several senior management positions within Digital/social media & CRM data agencies in SA with over 14 years’ experience in operations and project management working across medium and large projects for local and international clients in Financial, FMCG, Insurance, Tourism and Retail sectors. This came with its own stress and trauma that TRE® helped me release and recover from one being a severe shoulder and neck pain I had for years and released knots from the accumulated tension held on my back. 

As a facilitator my aim is to create a safe, supportive space for you and your body to Remember, Re-learn how to use the body to heal itself bringing balance, more joy, peace, harmony, mental clarity, and freedom in your life allowing you to live your best life.

I work with individuals, couples, groups focusing on anxiety/stress, depression, trauma, and relationship challenges. 

Available Online and in-persons with clients in SA, eSwatini, Canada and Sweden.

Other offerings: Breathwork, Transformation Coaching, Energy Healing and facilitate personal development programs.

Witnessing clients’ transform to their authentic Selves as their process unfolds is the priceless gift from this work. I am grateful to do work that I love. 

Alouise De Jager

I am a qualified TRE Provider and HeartMath Coach.  I come from a Corporate Background which made up most of my professional career.  However, there was always this gap or longing that I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to do and that I was not fulfilling my purpose.

Through dealing with my own trauma and living in a state of continuous stress for years, I came across TRE. It has truly changed my life.  Not only in a personal capacity by working through my own issues and grief but also by setting me on the path of finally doing what I was meant to do and what I love. I opened my Practice at the end of 2019. I strive in creating a safe, calm space for my clients. I help you manage and deal with your day-to-day challenges, whether it be deep-seated trauma or just the daily stresses of life. I am also continuously learning about how our bodies react to stress, tension, and trauma and how to get rid of that stuck stress in the body and thereby regulate yourself better every day.

I am passionate about helping people feel better about themselves and live a healthier and more balanced life.

I am based in the East of Pretoria, but also do online sessions whenever needed.


Sandy Feinstein

In 2005 I began my career in complementary health, qualifying in Therapeutic Reflexology, Cranio sacral therapy and TRE®.

Experiencing the benefits of TRE® in my own life, I now dedicate my time to help others use TRE® to achieve a balanced nervous system and experience a better quality of life.

As a Certified TRE® Provider I work as a member of Haley’s team in a facilitation role as well as in my own private Wellness, Stress and Trauma practice.